You know what's better than any advertisement we could ever create? The moment when someone takes their first bite of a perfect peach and immediately says, "I have to tell my sister about this!"
For over a decade, we've grown primarily through word of mouth. Through friends telling friends, neighbors telling neighbors, and families sharing their Peach Truck traditions. Here are some of our favorite stories:
- The woman who ordered an extra box every pickup just to share with her coworkers
- The neighborhood that turned their pickup day into a block party tradition
- The book club that switched from wine to peaches (okay, maybe they have both)
- The grandmother who started a three-generation tradition of making preserves together
When something's genuinely good, people want to share it. That's not marketing – that's just human nature. And we're grateful for every single person who's ever said, "You've got to try these peaches!"