We Dwell in Possibility

Peach season is in full swing. We officially have two weeks under our belts and all the planning in the world couldn’t truly prepare anyone for the adventure that peach season brings. Already the outpouring of love and support from our community humbles us. This challenge of providing a fresh quality Georgia peach every day is rewarding beyond words.

As with all transitions in life (Peach Season among them), there is a time when the newness of the season is awkward. Things are finding order slowly and balance is an ever so changing juggling act. As our feet find their footing more and more, clarity meets us and deep breathing nourishes the soul. I recently had one of these moments of finding my feet and breathing well amidst the juggling.

This pause was to honor work, and as we all work I wanted to share these beautiful thoughts and hopefully past on the encouragement I received.

Macrina Wiederkehr shares in the book, Seven Sacred Pauses that, “all work has the potential of becoming love made visible – a blessing.” There is so much drudgery, disdain and burden around the thought of work…and for good reason. We create obstacles that make grace in our work nearly impossible or we can get so caught up in individualism that we can’t see room for growth.

So the there is a need to pause. To be mindful of the creativity within us, to see the surrounding community as a support and also a mission to serve and to honor our own hands that build and restore. Our work is one that has potential to benefit the community. If we choose, as Emily Dickinson said, to “dwell in possibility”, work can take on a whole new form and when these truths are grasped. Wiederkehr wrote, “such truths change the hours to gold.”

So my hope for our Peach Truck team and for your work is that love and joy and possibility would be welcomed companions in the workplace. As we put our hands to the work before them, we are continually striving for “love made visible.” We hope you feel that love when you visit with The Peach Truck.

Peach produce and goods loaded into the back of a truck
